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Raspberry Pi RDP-connection

The first step after setting up the Raspberry Pi 4 is to enable RDP connections as it makes life a lot easier working from your desktop as directly on the Raspi.

  1. Go to Preferences > Add/Remove Software

2. Search for xrdp and install the RDP Server and install both packages

Ready to connect

The last step before you switch to your desktop is to note the IP address of your pi. There are two ways to do that

The easy one, keep your pointer on the network symbol in the top right corner until you can see the gray box with the connection details

Alternatively, you can run the command


Switch to your desktop

In Windows search for rdp and start the remote desktop connection.

2. Enter the IP Address

3. Insert your pi login information

Port Forwarding

For people who want to connect to their Raspberry Pi from another network, there is the option of port forwarding. This is a setting that you have to do on your router at home and enables you to connect from anywhere via RDP. Follow the link below to see the instructions but please be aware that opening a port creates a new vulnerability for your network. As you forward the requests sent to a specific port of your router to your raspberry pi, it won’t be as protected anymore. In some cases, it may be smarter to use another tool or stick to the local network.